2017年9月25日 星期一

2017年9月23日 星期六

Three Question About Each Bug Found

Fix a bug

Look at the code, fully understand how code works and try to find out which part might went wrong.

Start with the observable facts and work backwards, asking why repeatedly, until I can describe the pattern that underlies the bug.

Mozilla Developer Conference

11 月推出的 Firefox 將迎來斬新系統架構。

2017年9月10日 星期日



Writing GNU Emacs Extensinos Chapter 2 - Simple New Commands

interactive takes one argument: a trings of code letters, one code letter per argument being described. The code letter p means, "if there is a prefix argument, interpret it as a number, and if there is no prefix argument, interpret that as the number 1"

Writing GNU Emacs Extensinos Chapter 1 - Customizing Emacs

In Lisp, functions are named with symbols. Smbols are like function names or varible names in other language, althought Lisp allows a wider variety of characters in symbols than most languages allow in their variable names

2017年9月6日 星期三



2017年9月4日 星期一




下午和 J 吃吃火鍋,順道聊聊最近碰到的情況。