2018年7月9日 星期一

Retrospective of story - Decentralize issuance/transfer

Something can be better next time

1. Trust but verify

    一開始得到的資訊是 registry api 足夠得到所有的資料,而我沒有去驗證這件事。到後來真正頁面時才發現其實 api 提供的資料並不夠。我相信資訊的來源而沒有去驗證。
    下次再做 story 時,先驗證 api 該如何得到相關資訊。如果有缺,先協 scrum master 與相關的 rd 討論要額外花多少時間。
2. Raise meeting when overtime

    這次的 decentralize issuance 到 sprint 結束前花了 60 小時,3 倍於原先的預估(20 小時)。超出時間的預估可能是常見情況,重要的是如何去處理這樣的情況。
    下次超出預估時間時,我會先找 scrumb master 討論是不是要繼續做或是停止。

1. Use Ovbservable for async flow

    Remember to remove the subscriber, or even use `takeUntil`, `takeWhile`, `take` to automatically unsubscribe the event.
2. Check the wireframe/spec first

    When it comes to sprint, my assumption is that everything is listed inside. Even like user behavior of refreshing page should be listed. If some flow is not defined, try to fit it in current design and make sure system will no be broken. Use the easiest implementation.
3. Encryption

    Make sure library imencryption is correct, because this is the most critial behavior of whole story. If library is wrong, then whole story is useless.
    *Identify critical path and event before start implementation*

